I’m into politics By accident – Obasanjo

Former president of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo said he never wanted to become a politician, but he accidentally became one.

The former president did the entry while spoke with a group of young people under the aus of ‘Africa for Africa Youth Initiative’, (A4A), in the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library (OOPL) in Abeokuta.he said: ‘I never wanted to be: “A politician, I accidentally became one, but the love of my people, love for my country and humanity made it something I come into.”

He accused politicians to strive for politics to serve their people.

“Politics is about service, you have to provide service and nobody is too old or too young or too poor to provide service. When we start providing quality service, we have qualitative management.

About judicial Sundays and some African countries, Obanie showed that all circumstances are encouraging.

He said he was ORSI, it seems that some of the tired and reduction.

The former president said he would not support a coup, given his experience in the hands of the former military dictator, deceased General Sanni Abacha.

He called on the government of various African countries, including Nigeria, to ensure that they do not push the young people to the point to prefer a military acquisition with their policy.

He said: “After suffering from Abacha, I will not support a military coup. But if it has to come, what can we do then?” The point is this, we have conditions that encourage the kind of things that happens, if We do not have the conditions that encourage them cannot happen.

“That does not mean that it must be encouraged. What it means is that we must ensure that we do everything we can to prevent coups.

“If you see things that happen in many countries, and I will not exclude Nigeria, then you wonder and don’t forget, don’t forget the youth, they support most of these coups.

“The one in Gabon, the coupler was carried on the head by the young people, not by old miserable men and women like me, but by young people. The young people are looking for liberators, and we have to keep that in mind. Why do we have to allow youth to look for liberators outside the government of the day? Why?”

Obasanjo hates that the dynamic heads change the heart, adding to each one.

He added: “One, let me make it clear, I do not support a coup because I personally have been the victim of a coup. Two, the good of democracy, if it works and delivers, is that you can sit down and dialogue Can go and discuss and discuss. But your democracy must take integrity with it.

Your democracy must take those attributes, given by God attributes, inclusive society, no marginalization, no exclusion, no favoritism. ”

Obasanjo also called on African youth to wake up and take leadership positions, because the morning where they are waiting may never come.

In the meantime, Henry Akasisli, the director of Africa for the Africa Youth Initiative, noticed that their visit to the former president has re -dismissed their passion and can bring the African continent to the next level.

“Our visit to former President Obasanjo has been an important eye -opener, we have seen things.

Africa has many ways, Africa has brain, Africa is full of spirit, high times, but not well-aware of our young people.

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