Sell Email Marketing Everything You Need to Know

How to Sell Email Marketing: Everything You Need to Know



Email marketing is a great service to offer as a freelancer or expert. Email is a reliable way to reach people, even as marketing plans change and new digital tools and methods are developed. This type of digital marketing has the best return on investment (ROI) and is used in almost every business.

Email is still around. So, if you sell email marketing services, you can make a lot of money if you market them well and keep your clients happy.


Why do you want to sell email marketing?

One reason stands out as a solid reason to sell email services. If you’re a freelancer, email services are a great way to keep in touch with clients and build long-term, possibly rewarding ties with them.

Once they’ve finished building the site that the client hired them to do, web designers and developers often don’t see much reason to keep working with them. The problem of keeping close client ties over time can be solved with email since most clients will still need your work.

What email plans do you offer?

That’s great, and you want to sell email marketing. What does that mean? If you work as a freelancer or expert, you probably already know what skills you can offer clients.


First, figure out what you’re good at.

You should know the difference between selling expert services and marketing services before trying to figure out what you can sell. It might seem like a significant change for people who have spent their whole lives designing and building websites to start selling email marketing services. What if the client wants help with content strategy, group segmentation, or another email marketing issue?


If you’ve already done email marketing before, you might feel fine answering client questions about these things. You might only want to give technical services like design, testing, delivery, list management, and tracking. But no matter what, now is a good time to start thinking about these problems and how to best help your customers.


We’ll only talk about the technical parts of the email services you might sell in this area.

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How to create emails and send campaigns

Even though there are a lot of useful email marketing tools out there, many clients don’t want to insert and send emails themselves. Those clients might be ready to pay you to make the template you coded (or made in a drag-and-drop editor), segment and suppress the list yourself, and then send it.

Management of lists

Because of the legal issues when you build email subscriber lists, it’s not surprising that many site managers would rather have a skilled professional like you handle their email lists, subscriptions, and unsubscribes.

Suppose a client wants to merge two databases into one, for example. In that case, they may ask you to clean the databases against each other to eliminate problem addresses like invalid and fake addresses and ensure that people who have signed up for both lists are only added to the merged subscriber list once.


Review and feedback on the campaign

This is getting more into strategy now, but even if you decide only to offer technical services, you might be able to suggest changes to the layout or design that will get more clicks and involvement or make people less likely to opt-out. For clients who want to improve their email marketing, you could also offer A/B testing services, including design, delivery, and review.

You might be able to think of a few products or services that fit into these broad groups that would interest current or potential customers. How you add these services will rely on your clients, your level of interest, and how you package your services as a consultant or freelancer.

For example, you could decide to provide a complete service for email newsletters that has the following parts:

  • Help the client with their website by making registration forms and a page for them.
  • You can set up email templates or automation to send to new users as an autoresponder.
  • Make designs for email newsletters.
  • Two different newsletter designs should be tested to see which works best with the client’s group.
  • Take care of subscription lists, including new subscribers, copies, bounces, and unsubscribed people.
  • Make and send out a weekly or monthly newsletter with material given by the client.
  • Make a monthly email report that lists all the messages sent, delivered, read, and bounced for each campaign. You could also make yearly reports that show how statistics have changed over time.


How to get people to buy email marketing

Let’s discuss how you’ll sell what you’ve decided to sell.

There are three parts to selling email services. First, you need to decide how much you will charge for your service and how to apply those fees. Next, we’ll talk about this subject.

After that, you’ll need to figure out how to sell your clients these new services. We’ve put together a list of things under “Preparing your pitch” to help you show your clients the opportunities and benefits of email.

This last part, “Promoting email services to clients and prospects,” will discuss how to let current and potential clients know about your new email services. We’ll also look at how you can easily add them to the rest of your services.


How much does email marketing cost?

When setting the price of your services, you can do whatever you want. How you might offer your email marketing services will affect how much you charge. You could charge per skill or offer a set of packages.

How to price your skills

You probably have two choices for how much to charge if you want to sell your skills-based services, like template creation, delivery, list management, and so on.

Your most likely choice is to charge by the hour, but you could also charge a flat fee. This makes selling easier and keeps clients who aren’t sure of themselves or are watching their budget from thinking about how much the service will cost. This table shows some services we discussed and the most popular ways to pay for them.

Service Billing Options

Template design: Hourly rate or flat rate

Creative changes: Hourly rate or flat rate

Email delivery: List size

Review and consultation on the campaign: Flat rate or hourly rate

Database cleaning: computed using list size or hourly rate.

The clause on Campaign Reports: Fixed Charge

Rates for A/B testing and reporting: Hourly or fixed

List and image hosting: File size or storage required

List management: Hourly rate or flat rate

Inventory Control: Use the inventory size, the hourly rate, or the flat rate.

I will create email marketing campaign and sales emails

As the table shows, charging by the hour isn’t the best idea when the list length is important. This is because the campaign costs go up as the list grows, so many freelancers base their email delivery service fees on the size of the letter. The same reason works for hosting and list handling fees.

It’s also important to know that many freelancers charge extra for these services, even if they are part of a web-based email management service deal. This is especially true for hosting lists and images. Indeed, the worker might not be able to do anything about these things. However, they might believe that these fees are compensating for expenses not included in the cost of their client service package. If they need to talk to the email service’s support team about storing image files or getting client data backups, they won’t have to charge the client extra for those hours because the hosting price already covers them.

When deciding what pricing method to use, you’ll probably go with the one you already use. But it would be best to always consider how the client will feel. If they don’t know much about email marketing and have never built a user list, a flat fee might make them feel better about the possibility of costs going up. On the other hand, your current clients might be interested if you, a designer who usually charges by the hour, started charging a flat fee. If you choose the flat-rate price, remember that some clients will need more time from you than others.

You might want to set your price so that you can negotiate with the client or add a percentage to account for delays or talks that come out of the blue. This is especially important if you’ve set up a flat-fee system to get people who have never used email before to try it. You may need to do more as the project progresses to keep them relaxed and answer their questions. Make sure that your flat-fee plan includes some kind of extra time.


The best price for your business rests on you, your clients, your relationships, and how you run your business. You should charge by the hour for everything if it makes you feel better and if you can sell this choice to current and potential clients.


Prices based on Packages

You’ll need to figure out how much you’ll charge for each part of the package before you can set the price of the deal as a whole.

You might find working on many jobs at once easier than working on them one at a time. You could also save money on project management because you’ll do all the work for the same client. Because of these benefits of continuity, you might be able to cut an hour or two here and there, giving you more value than if you did each job separately.


A client can only want some of the services in an offer. What should you do? You might offer A/B testing as part of a package, but your client doesn’t want to test their email because they are short on time or money. Could you take that service out of the package? If so, how much will the price of the deal change because of that?

As a result of the benefits that will come from keeping the work going, you shouldn’t lower the package price by the amount you initially set aside for A/B testing since that amount now makes up a bigger part of the optimal price. In this case, it might be more accurate to lower the price of the whole package by a certain percentage of the amount you first came up with for A/B testing.

You might want to develop a standard estimate that makes adding or removing parts of your service package easy. This way, you won’t have to start from scratch whenever a customer changes their mind about adding or removing a service. It will be easy to figure out how much the price will change if they do that.

No matter what pricing system you choose for your email service, it would help if you were transparent and honest with your clients about it. We’ll talk about these things next.

Getting your pitch ready

You’ll need more than just an idea of what you’ll give and how much you’ll charge to get ready to sell your email services to clients and potential clients.

Your clients might be eager to start email marketing or not know anything about it. You’ll know where your clients fall on this range, and then all you have to do is put together the materials that will make them want to pay for your email services.


Make a convincing sales pitch

Whether you present prospects with the benefits of your email services in a pre-sales white paper or talk about it with them over coffee for thirty minutes, you need to be able to show that email marketing works.

The Direct Marketing Association’s study on the average return on investment for email can be found on its website, and news outlets often report on its main results. The newest study results can be found quickly on the web. You can use these results when you talk to clients. Aside from that, we trust Litmus to be right about email ROI.

The same goes for information on how big the email market is, how companies in certain countries use it, and how well target recipients accept email marketing. This kind of information can make what your prospects read (or listen to) more convincing. You might even want to compare how well email works with other marketing strategies to make the point more straightforward.

People may ask, “Why should I use email marketing?” You may also need to tell them why they should pay for email marketing services when they can send emails independently.

It would help if you showed them how simple, adaptable, and inexpensive it is to run an email campaign and what benefits it brings. Tell prospects what kinds of problems they can avoid if they handle their mailing lists with the right tools.

Guide them through setting up a test campaign in the ESP of your choice, with you and them as receivers. And stress how useful the tracking information they can get from a well-run campaign; you could do this by showing them sample results.

If you’ve already done a few projects for clients (or yourself), you could put together case studies that show what the clients wanted, how you met those needs, and what results they got in a certain amount of time. Ensure you have permission to share the names of the clients whose email services you’ve given.

Not seeing real benefits from your email campaign?

If you don’t have any real-life marketing results that you can use as case studies, you might be able to get that information in another way:

  • Someone you know should be able to give you some live, anonymous info that you can use in your sales kit.
  • For any side projects you have going, run a few campaigns yourself. Then, use what you learned to make reports showing how easy it is to monitor email campaigns.
  • Look for case studies like this that have already been written. Email marketing tools that teach often use real-life campaigns to show how and why they work.

Finally, put together examples of different email styles so your prospects can understand which ones might work for them.

You could also list prices for your email services or deals so that people can quickly see how much they need to pay to reach a specific audience size.

Make a Portfolio for the email Services you offer

A collection of your email marketing services is a great way to make sales because it shows that you can do what you say you will do.

You could make examples of the different types of emails to show clients, even if you’re new to this field and don’t have any examples of emails that work. Even if your prospects aren’t very creative, a list of well-thought-out cases will show them what you can do for them.

Make it unique

While you’re writing different examples of emails, why not make them more relevant to your prospects? You could use their logo and brand name in the design, and the content could talk about their goods, services, and target audience. This strategy will get people’s attention and can also help them link their brand with email marketing.

If you have real campaign data, pair the creative examples with short fact sheets that show how many people responded and how much money the clients made back. Prospects will believe that you know what you’re doing after reading this. That indicates that you know about the business benefits of email and that you can help them get actual results.

The best way to show off your email marketing services is to put your portfolio online, along with case studies, recommendations, and results data, whenever you can.

Once you’ve finished a few email projects for clients, you should give a case study for each service or package you offer. In the meantime, show off your email marketing skills by sharing examples of your creative work.

Getting clients and potential clients to use your email services

You’re ready to start selling email services now that your sales tools are prepared. Good job! But how can you get your clients to know about these services? It would be best to call them and schedule a time to discuss it. You could also casually bring up email services in your next chat.

How you sell will depend on your clients and how you like to work. If you want to let your clients know about your new service, here are some ideas:


Get your email list going.

If you haven’t already, make an email newsletter you can send to clients daily. You could use it to inform them about new services you offer and changes to your online portfolio, to provide web tips and tricks, or to direct them to research that could help them get the most out of their website.

A well-thought-out email magazine can be an excellent way to show what you’re preaching. You can also use case studies and live mailing data to strengthen your sales pitch.


You should add the new service to your website.

Don’t forget to post about your email marketing services on your website. Possible clients who visit the site will then know about your services, which will likely make you stand out more among the other providers they could choose from.


Talk to people you already have.

Look over your list of clients and pick out the ones you think will benefit most from your new services. It would help if you met with the right people to discuss how email could fit into their online and marketing plans.

If you have written a piece of white paper about the benefits of email, send it to them before the meeting.

Lastly, make a pitch that includes a sample email that is specific to their brand and business, along with straightforward suggestions for how email could help them reach their goals. List the services you offer that you think will help them the most.


Talk to new business owners.

People you haven’t worked with before could be excellent prospects for your new services. You might find other companies in the same field that haven’t yet realized the benefits of email if you can see a use case for it in one.


You can contact these new clients in traditional ways, like by printing postcards, writing articles for trade magazines about the usefulness and advantages of email, going to local networking events, etc.


Make email a part of your brand.

You might think that all you need to do to use email is to add a listing for your new service to your website and put examples of your work in your portfolio. But these strategies are only the beginning. You can do much more. To get the word out about your freelance or coaching business, try some of the following marketing ideas:

  • Use the social networking tools you use to talk about email marketing studies, news, and changes, as well as the campaigns you’re working on and how well email is working as a way to communicate.
  • Include email in every client pitch you make.
  • Add a link to “email marketing services” to your website’s main path or to your business’s tagline.
  • Email should be a big part of how you and your business talk to each other, build your brand and sell your products.

Don’t become “the email person” overnight; that could hurt the strong brand you’ve built. Even so, putting a lot of effort into email can make it a crucial part of your service, especially in the beginning.

When looking for ways to promote your business, be unique. You could offer to send match dates and results to soccer club members by mail and keep up with the email list of subscribers. If you take some time on a quiet afternoon to make an exciting template, you might impress some people who want to use email for business or who know someone who could!


Email marketing facts that will help you make a sale

You already know how helpful email marketing can be; now, you need to show the people you want to buy your services how useful it is. Showing people the numbers is the best way to get them to buy something.

Because of this, we put together this list of email marketing data to help you sell your services to people who might be interested.

Three out of every four clicks in an email happen on a mobile device. (Email Marketing)

59% of people who work in B2B marketing say that email is the best way to make sales. Emma: Transactional emails can produce six times as much money as other emails. According to Experian, people who buy things through an email ad are 138% more likely to spend than people who don’t get email promotions. A brand’s six times more likely to get a click-through (CT) from an email promotion than from a tweet.

The average click-through rate increases by about 60% when lists are segmented. (Marketing for Life)

Eighty percent of store marketers say email marketing is the best way to keep customers returning. (Net Promoter)

Millennials say that email is their favorite way to communicate for work purposes (73%). This kind of email is opened and clicked on eight times more often than any other type. (23% of people who open an email on their phone will open it again later, according to Experian). Seventy-two percent of consumers say they would get promotional material by email, while only seventeen percent say they would get it on social media. MarketingSherpa says that segmenting email lists generally lowers the number of people who unsubscribe. According to Life Marketing, about 18.8% of people who receive custom emails open them. Statista says that 49% of businesses use some kind of email automation as part of their email marketing plan. (Monday Email)

You can get up to 28% more conversions using a call-to-action button instead of a written link. (Campaign Watch)

Email marketing leads to more sales than any other marketing avenue, even search and social media. Close it up.

Email marketing will always be around. Were your clients not already on board? Now is a great time to get them to join.


Look at this guide to learn how to start email marketing for your solo or consulting business. You’ll quickly be getting new clients.


We used to help businesses with their email, so let us help you.

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