Decreasing the body of disappeared university students found in the Abuja community

Police in Fct says the researchers began reviewing the death of the National University, so that’s what you become bottles of the center of the city after it finally stopped. Receive that the police had declared that Miss Karami was missing on 11 September 2023 after, according to what reported, she had left her workplace in the Gaki area of Abuja before closing the hour of 11 September 2023.

“We wish to inform the public that our main objective at this moment, under the directive of the police commissioner, FCT, Haruna Garba, is to conduct an in -depth and impartial investigation on the circumstances that surround the premature blessing of the death of Karami Moses.

“Our commitment for this case is unwavering and we are determined to discover both the immediate causes and the remote ones of this tragic accident.

He said: “While we are working closely with the Abuja Environmental Protection Board (AEPB) to facilitate the respectful recovery of the decomposed remains by recognizing the delicate nature of this task, we will continue to provide updates to the public as our investigation advances. Our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of the blessing of Karami Moses in this difficult moment. ”

Meanwhile, the source of the earth’s police origin, tookimij, sold, says this a boyfriend who is dead. In the trammet, his older brother, also sees an explorer of his sister who saw in collapse, KarDo

“We asked her to explain what he seems, and he told us what we had told that my sister was wearing that day when he stopped”

Karami said that since he was unable to contact Dpo Durumi, he went to Karmo’s police station, with a group of policemen to look for the position.

“We have seen his body decomposed in the bush here in Karmo, it is not something that we can move, we must organize with environmental people to come and help us pack.” It seems that she died for days because of the nature of the decomposition.

NEDC To Set Up Boko Haram Museum

The Managing Director, North East Development Commission (NEDC), Mohammed Alkali, said they are working closely with the University of Maiduguri and other stakeholders to set up a Boko Haram Museum. Thursday during the commemoration of International Day of Peace 2023 in Maiduguri said that the museum is the stories of Boko Haram Insurgency in a positive way to create social changes. The opportunity took place in the Elkanemi Hall, University of Maiduguri, with the Vice Chancellor, professor Aliyu Shugaba as the main gas.

Alkali said that the museum would give stakeholders the opportunity to give the stories positive for the coming generations to understand the consequences of war in the region and the country.

He noted that the committee is open to offering any support within its mandate to defeat violent extremism in the region.

“I also saw some artifacts being displaced, and I soon asked ambassador Ahmed Shehu what they are all about? He told me that they were the innovative ideas of some of our young people.

“We are going to look at it, everyone who is worth developing, we will support the project,” he said.

Earlier, the President of Peace Ambassadors Center for Humanitarian Aid and Empowerment, Ahmed Shehu, said the innovations made by small children who have not been looking for school. ‘This time our hunt for talent had discovered innovations by three children who had never visited the four walls of the class. They did wonderful things. “A few years ago, one of such talents created a machine on solar energy and today his company competes favorably in the production industry in Nigeria,” he said.

He praised the NEDC to offer timely support to the young talent, even when he extended Peace Ambassador Award to the management director of the committee, Ahmed Goni Alkali.

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